Technical Studies

Offshore Wind Transmission Technical Review – Initial Report

This offshore wind transmission technical review initial report aims to inform the Roadmap by assessing various options for development of grid integration, including policy options, such as coordinated onshore and offshore transmission infrastructure. This includes an analysis of offshore and onshore transmission technology and design options, identification of opportunities for cost-effective, strategic approaches (including regional coordination) to develop necessary transmission assets, and identification of transmission-related best practices to mitigate impacts on people and the environment.
This initial technical review was developed through and informs the State’s Roadmap process, as well as supports the Maine Public Utilities Commission’s requirement in section 4 of Public Law 2021 chapter 327 to conduct a study of transmission infrastructure related to offshore wind generation with stakeholder input and in consultation with the Governor’s Energy Office and Office of the Public Advocate. This initial technical review is intended to inform current and future stakeholder work through the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap.