Maine has a world-class offshore wind resource off the coast and the Gulf of Maine represents one of the State’s largest untapped sources of clean energy. Proven around the world, offshore wind can spur economic growth and provide clean energy that combats climate change, stabilize energy costs, reduces dependence on fossil fuels.
The Maine Offshore Wind Initiative is overseen by the Governor’s Energy Office, in close coordination with multiple state agencies. These include the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future and the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Other agencies that will play a key role in the development and regulation of offshore wind include the Maine Departments of Transportation, Environmental Protection, and Marine Resources, as well as the Maine Technology Institute, and the Maine International Trade Center.
Maine is also working closely with neighboring states and the federal government to evaluate regional opportunities in offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Maine through a regional task force organized by the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.